The River Coffin

The River Coffin

1 min

The human semblance that persists underneath this skin,

Which dyed in melanin;

Shall perish,

To trace itself in bits of dust that scatter in beauty by this daylight.

I beseech you my love,

To extinguish my body here,

For my cravings covet the after life of my airborne soul,

That my blood traps so beautifully.

Conceal me here,

Under the satiny cascade of this stream.

This stream that kisses the frozen lava rocks that fell into its arms.

Let my last breath be stolen by this river,

That aromatizes the foggy dead moors and pines,

And colours their olive green with silence and solace of an oblivion.

Let my body grow moss, and wi

ther in the waves of green.

Let my body brush with each granule of the sand, let shells be my garland and the corals, my home.

Let my body combine with the emerald of its eyes,

Such that my death,

Shall live in awe of the beholder of this scenery.

Let my current hum you a song

Of my waves that beat with rocks;

Foaming in white in this viridescent chasm.

Not as human, but as nature;

Let this death bring me closer to you.

Let my winds dive into your soul,

Embosom you,

Only to hear the thumping your fragile heart and sound of your mind,

So below the river water,

Sprawling on the river bed, I shall be,

And my corpse you shall find.

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