Annika Narang

Tragedy Crime Others


Annika Narang

Tragedy Crime Others

The Rape Story No One Tells You About

The Rape Story No One Tells You About

2 mins

It was a beautiful day,

Until they made her their prey.

She tried her best to run away,

But suddenly everything turned gray.

And then it happened,

Those 23 minutes felt like eternity,

Clinging to her sanity.

She didn’t give up,

Fought them throughout,

Little did she know they were all ganged up,

Covered her mouth so she couldn’t shout.

Never had she ever felt so helpless,

Was it really the fault of her so-called “mini dress”?

Threw her away,

When they felt satisfied.

Alone on the subway,

She couldn’t move but she tried.

All she wanted now

was a never- ending nap,

A peaceful slumber

In her mother’s lap.

But it wasn’t so easy to escape,

This feeling of rape.

Her eyes lit up for the first time,

As she finally reached home.

 Even thinking about that whole incident,

 Made her yelp,

 Regardless, she narrated everything,

 Hoping they would help.

Tears in her eyes,

She looked at her dad.

But no,

This time he didn’t hold her hand.

Slapped her instead,

“It’s all your fault”,

Her mother said.

“We shouldn’t have let you

sit on our head”.

“Who asked you

To wear a dress to college?

You are a girl,

You should dress average.”

Her heart broke for the second time,

Was being a girl such a big crime?

The girl who once was a rebel,

Was forced not to tell.

“Don’t make it a big issue,

 Or else no one will marry you”.

 Like all her aim was to

 be someone’s mistress,

 As if a marriage could magically cure

 The wounds of a damsel in distress.

“Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I like to wear skirts and dresses.

And yes, I love everything about being a girl and why shouldn’t I?

The men who do such hideous tasks, should be ashamed of themselves and their unfortunate existence in this beautiful world of pretty women like us.”

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