The ocean in a drop
The ocean in a drop

We're not a drop in the ocean
We're the ocean in a drop
Life goes on forever, it simply cannot stop
A self contained universe, in fact that's what we are
The realization of this truth can take us very far
Created in Gods image, all part of a plan
Took the Holy Spirit then breathed into man
Mankind received a special gift, that gift is called the soul
We only need to access it in order to be whole
ever lasting, it cannot ever die
Runs deeper than the ocean and taller than the sky
More colors than a rainbow, it's brighter than the sun
A gift given to human kind when our lives begun
This very soul's been with us the whole time all a long
A melody to music
The lyrics to a song
Life goes on forever, it simply cannot stop
We're not a drop in the ocean
We're the ocean in a drop
Louis D'Alto