The Natural Sensation
The Natural Sensation

I love the rays of the morning sun
And I adore the sketches of dawn being done
I respect the music of the early birds they tune
And I watch the nocturnal beings awaiting the moon
I admire the endearing breeze kissing my skin so fair
And I seize the moment as it blows past my hair
I awe the ripples of the water beneath my toes
I praise the lush apples; on the trees it grows
And then comes the moon over the insolvent west
Streaming all to sleep, granting them dreams and rest
The gray paves are neutral and monochrome
The stars from above hymn a charming poem
The riffles and ripples on the lake
Is such an obscure marvel to make
The swaying trees,
with its rustling leaves
But all of this glee never stays but leaves
The birds singing on the trees on its nest
The moon and the sun rising in the east and west
O’ how I feel nature is my dwell in my heart
Its’ beauty and delight cannot be drawn in any chart
The elegant beauty of the falls, the chill waters it bears
And the calls made by horses to their mares
The grass so dewy shining with the rays of dawn
And the flutter of bees and butterflies in the morn
I have witnessed the wonders of this Mother World
The powers of my Mother has been unfurled
I thought this bliss and rhapsody will be overjoyed
But this vague creation is for evermore destroyed