Rukmini’s Rival
Rukmini’s Rival

In the middle of a moonlit struck night
When love was just a rare thing
Sat Krishna and Rukmini adoring each other’s sight
Under the sprinkles of the mountain spring
The roses idolised the presence of true beauty
The moon shone to protect this love for eternity
All was well and the quality time was spent
Until Rukmini revealed her discontent
“O’ Lord, I am not satisfied
I have a question to be asked from my heart’s inside
Am I the only beauty as you cherish
Isn’t there any competitor whose beauty I can relish?”
“Why, search the world if you desire
<p>But I tell you, there is none than thee to admire
Even the flowers of spring and the chillness of twilight
Cannot match thy beauty so feather-like light” said he.
The lord ordered for the prettiest pearls from the ocean
And the prettiest princess from the world was sent
And they were that of true admiration
But Rukmini still said “My heart is discontent”
Out came their little daughter rushing to get to her arms
Her splendor stole all the world’s charms
“Here is the purest treasure of beauty none can afford,” said she
“She is my rival O’ Lord!” said Rukmini with glee.