One day the King Alphonso mango tree
Captivated by his many golden mango kings
Growing upon his young sprawling branches and twigs
Declared as he stood proudly unyielding and unbending
To any others orders or gestures of friendship
Most sourly and grudgingly
"I am the best ever seen or grown
And content with my precious golden kings so many
I need no friend or passing showers
Pattering raindrops, lightning bolts or thunder storms
That in vain falls upon me in plenty
Those greenhorn chirping pests
Birds, crickets and grasshopper grigs
That grips my branches once a while
With their sharp beaks, forked talons or slender long limbs
Or their merry chirps always seem to annoy
My golden treacle tresses of sugar dandy kings
With so much honey inside"
Yet insolent as ever he cautioned
Every breathing gust of wind
Howling through his evergreen leaves and branches
'Whoosh Wheee Whee Pheee'
Were to him all fibs and freebees
Even the bumble bees and stinging wasps
The ants and cloying stick insects
Were warned not to steal his arrums of delight
The scented perfume of King Alphonso's wafting mangoes
Through their sights
He thought he looked the best
Amongst all the surrounding trees and shrubs
Drumsticks, Guavas, Chickoo trees and Custard Apples
The Bodhi, the Buddh, the Ashoka
Or even the most 'Shuddh!'
Gloriously pure honey bee hives
That collected on some of his stray branches
Even the frogs that croaked beneath his sprawling roots
Were forbidden to play with his golden Alphonso's
Crowns that fell and soon turned to flora and fauna
The yellow and green frogs got no golden ball they could jump
And play with
Even the crawling ants and bugs were
Shunned to take a bite of that precious
Serum that oozed from his delightful fruits
Growing ripe and with cheeks so rosy and juicy still!
He called all the guests unwelcome
On his magnificent golden tree and trunk
Alas! The butterflies that flittered
Found his company rather boring
One fine day on his young branches
Stretching so strong and wide
Yielded a soft, tender hearted, brown and white
Speckled mushroom
As mushy and sentimental as could be
Unlike the Mango tree who frowned, fretted
And grimaced all the time
As the magic mushroom grew and grew
It welcomed all the fairies hoods
And other bright flickering sprites of the forest nearby
To seat beside the musty magic mushroom house
Every little pixie and elf took time
To sit and chat sometimes atop its musty stool
Exchanging wee tit bits, to tête-à-tête
And take a view from above the tree top century King
Valleys, mountains and farmlands
Cattle, sheep, shepherds and maize houses
Among tall ferns and grassy meadows
Bowing low to the flowers and pebbles
Beside babbling brooks
Divine dragon flies like helicopters buzzed
Fire flies like torches flicked
And flickered
Bees bobbed a curtsy as they flit
Around the mesmerising magic mushroom house
As if it wore a witch's cap
All white, brown and musty speckled
The magic mushroom was so different
Than the proud golden Alphonso tree
Yet chided harshly the golden tree
To the mushy mushroom growing from it
Like a witches cap so peculiarly and queer
So weird and attractive a magic showpiece
"I have no time for fruitless gossip and unyielding tittle-tattle
By a useless white cap mushroom on my golden tree
So many guests come flitting past and spoil
The view of my golden glowing King Alphonso's
Growing on my tree
Their crowns are full of gold
Their cheeks full of juice
The flesh sweet to lips
So many pluck abundantly in their baskets
Whilst you so mushy and sentimental
I have no time for your fancy whimsical parties
Of fairy folks all around you night and day
Summer or winter
Who engage in worthless babble and childish gossip
All the time"
He glowered continuing the spiel of his tall talk
Rather haughtily
"Instead I admire all day my gleaming golden Alphonso Kings
Unlike you all brown, musty, mushy sentimental
White and spotted like a witches cap"
He mused
The musty, mushy, sentimental mushroom
Remained quiet and calm
And refused to reply to the angry, vain and arrogant
Golden mango tree
Yet the mushy sentimental magic mushroom
Invited all fairy folks
And invent
ed games to play upon King Alphonso's branches
The golden mango tree just watched with a smirk
And refused to oblige them as his friends
All he did was complain and carp
Grumble, natter and chatter
To have such a musty friend he
Could do without any way!
Then one fine day
The musty, sentimental magic mushroom's
Mushy days had come to an end
It sadly died and disappeared
Vanished into the silent night
No more was its witch cap sitting
Aglow upon the golden tree
Inviting fairy parties or elves meetings
Or ants or wasps or bees buzzing
Or butterflies flitting like aeroplanes
The golden Alphonso tree felt bored
And bleated beating his chest
With his spread out straddling branches
In sadness and misery aloud……. Weeping and wailing most sorrowfully
"O' what have I done?
I have lost my dearest friend
The mushy, musty sentimental magic mushroom
Maybe it died of a broken heart
And couldn't take my proud lamentations
And felt it did not require any more my bossiness"
Like a calf or like a sheep or a goat
He bleated and bleated
For the honey moon dipped a dapple silver grey
In the dark teal and purple tinged sky
And no more did the cow moo
Whilst grazing beneath it
With funny rhymes that fairies invented
And recited around the magic mushroom
"Hey Diddle Diddle
The cow jumped over the moon
And O' what fun
The dish ran away with the spoon"
All his King Alphonso dishes
Swayed for the sad golden tree
Up and down his heavy boughs
Heavy laden with despair
Like a dancer moves his eyes and brows
In Bharatnatyam
Or handlebars of a clown's moustache
That twitches up and down
In a circus pandemonium
No one was there now
To recite magic lines with fairies, imps, elves
And busy goblins
Beneath the magic mushroom of the mango tree
April, May soon around the corner
The Alphonso kings were picked and plucked
Trundled and cart wheeled in a wheel barrow
And the mango tree now did grieve so very very much
For he was without the sweet, sentimental
Mushy, musty, magic mushroom friend
Every day he wept and cried for being so vain and selfish
Proudly proclaiming he could live without anyone
For he was the very best golden tree
Till finally one day did a strange Starlight fairy appear
Full of magic and light
Around the sad and grieving golden tree
Wearing the same witches cap of the funny mushroom
The golden tree
Had so much teased about
She stood on the young branch the very same spot
And uttered a magic remedy for his broken tree heart
"Booshh, Bibbissh. Bewitch
Swish, Swoosh, Switch
Myself into that strange musty, tender-hearted
Mushy, sentimental
Companion for the golden Alphonso tree
Swoosh, Swish, Switch
Booshh, Bibbissh, Bewitch"
Lo! Behold she stood a magic mushroom again
Upon his welcoming branches
Inviting fairy folks and dances
Parties and elf meetings
Greetings and fleetings
Of stinging wasps, flitting butterflies
Dandelion puffs, hairy gnomes, crawling ants and furry goblins
Once more again
Breeze howled and rattled
Showers of raindrops
Pattered and drizzled
Even clouds filled with lightning bolts and thunderstorms
Were most welcome
Once more again
Bleating and mooings
Of cows, calves and sheep
Under the silver gray moon
Fairy mushroom with her witches cap
With rhymes and riddles invented
Were recited soon again by gay fairies and jolly elves
Every bird and chirping pests
Like sparrows, grasshopper grigs
Chirping critter crickets, cloying stick insects
And chattering dragonflies
Played around the merry branch
Beneath their mysterious magic mushroom friend
Even the yellow and green frogs played with the old Alphonso
Kings gold balls of mangoes that dropped to the ground
Near his spread out roots on the lawn
Hurray! The golden Alphonso kings
On his branches and stems smiled and grinned
Ear to ear
No more hiding the magic mushrooms talent
Amongst his copious wonders
Fruits of sweet labour
For the golden Alphonso tree was happy a lark
As could be
With his musty, mushy,
sentimental garden magic mushroom fairy!