
Once upon a time
Way back in the future
There was a mystic land
Hidden from the view
Of those who had deliberately blinded themselves
It was a land of bliss and silence
Ceasefires, armistices
And peaceful violence
On pen and paper, we live under the same blue sky
But you'd have to visit Mutopia
To know the sky has been torn off
And snatched like paternal property by brothers
Into sections and pockets
The ones with voices
Have gardeners to prune their sky
The skies of the rich
Sprout rainbows daily
Beautiful sunsets rest on their edges
Like birds on a parapet
And colors - blue and green and yellow, red and orange
Merge on the canvas
Like on a palette
The sky of the poor is barely a sky
A tattered roof of twice-beaten aluminum sheets
With holes the size of eyes
Gaping down on them
Like Gods from Pluto.
Their sky has leakages
So huge Dr. Fixit couldn't fix them.
Every night
The sky comes crashing down on them
Raging thunder and brewing storms.
In Mutopia they aren't allowed to use their brains
The loud men buy them and cage them in chains
The silent remain silent with nothing left to say
The words choke on the tip of their throat
Swallowed down like diamonds and coal
Thinking is still permissible by the Mutopian law
But lines have been laid down
Like railway tracks
On which your train of thought can run
And Dera
iling is dangerous.
Article 123 of the Mutopian Constitution lays down
That dreaming, being injurious to health
Has been banned from the nation.
The Mutopian Mayor
Is the only one allowed to speak
And he mumbles into microphones
The heritage history of future mystery
Of the silent mystic land of Mutopia
He shouts out loud
About the need for silence
How millions of rebels are forming illicit associations
In which they squeak and quibble and chew and nibble
At the foundation stone of Blame-o-cracy
The police are doing a good job he said
Silently silencing the outcries of pain
The pangs of labour
The Clarion call for freedom
The shrieks and shouts of men and women
Gone mad with the unbearable weight of this silence
That is so deafening
Until they go deaf
To all external noise
You burn a pressure cooker for too long
It whistles and whistles and whistles
It explodes
The voices get loud
Inside their heads
This crazy crowd
Of words piled on unsaid words
The heavy heart inside their rib cage
Growing wings like birds
Before they can fly out
To the sky
And be one
Be one
With the sky
In the heads of dreamers
There is only one sky:
It is an untainted blue
And the sun every morning
Peeping through the curtained windows of palaces
Shines the same
Through the pores in the tin roofs of huts.