Lekha Menon

Drama Tragedy


Lekha Menon

Drama Tragedy

The Guitar

The Guitar

2 mins

The days were dull, drab and dark
He wished for a meaning, a spark
Walking by the lanes he glanced
There it twinkled, his eyes danced
The elegant curves, the taut strings
His fingers felt the faint stirrings
He fell in love, and he fell hard
He longed to strum the sleek guitar

She could spend hours hearing him play
It told her things his lips couldn't say
Yet they lost, in this world so rough
Love is sometimes not enough
She walked away, darkness his fate
Only music stayed, his soul mate
Pain that spilled from his heart
None could understand but his guitar

Her he sought, his missing heartbeat
Her love was enough to feel complete
A miracle, the day did dawn
On his knees, he burst into a song

unforgettable look in her melting eyes

This earth now a paradise
Today he glowed like a mighty star
Nectar flowed from his guitar

Life gets busy, passion forgotten
In a corner, it stays sadly hidden
Weary eyes glance, but seem blind
The music had but left the mind
Coldness gripped each as they played their role
Love had long left, an empty hole
There it stayed, ignored and far
Dumb finally, the melodious guitar

He held those tiny fingers in his hand
The smiles were back, in their magic land
Their little angel gurgled in peace
Charmed he was back to his knees
His heart broke as he glanced at his wife
Once her smile was his succor in life
He would not let happiness fall apart
He silently promised his waiting guitar

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