Neelam Tyagi



Neelam Tyagi


The Country Of The Dead!

The Country Of The Dead!

1 min

The Country of the Dead!

I never thought I would revisit the place,

The place, where, in the dead of the night.

My womanhood was brutally dilapidated

And I was left to die a thousand deaths…. 

But ‘The Ordeal’ didn’t end!

The assault continued

The people changed

Now the act was vulgarized and sensationalized

By the law in the court

People watched it on their TV sets and nodded a hopeless nod!

But I had to come, in the dead of the night

pan style="background-color: transparent;">Not because I have any fear, 

I am ‘Nirbhaya’ the fearless!

In the deadly silence of the night

I entered into the room where Justice is delayed and eventually denied.

I felt nothing; I have nothing to feel but an inner emptiness 

The room felt just the same!

Except for the ticking clock, there was nothing alive

I stopped, turned and looked into its eye

You, too stop because here, nothing will ever change!

Nobody will respond and wake up to your chime

Because the conscious of this country has died!

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