Tulika B

Horror Inspirational Thriller


Tulika B

Horror Inspirational Thriller

The Cemetery

The Cemetery

2 mins

 I lost the bet as Barcelona was being praised for the victory,

My friends mocked at my debacle and blurted that it's my turn to visit the cemetery.

I am born in the lineage of heroic sovereigns,

Hence, cowardice and stepping back are not in my veins.

I held the torch and opened the gates of the cemetery with a creak,

I kind of like the situation as I am an adventure freak.

I had to spend an hour in an utmost creepy surrounding,

What was that behind? Oh! just the shadow of a sapling.

I started humming to make the time pass quick,

But in minutes I realized that dullness will overpower my vocal trick.

I strolled around to look for any supernatural wraiths,

Howbeit found none and ended up reading the headstone which had verses and dates.

I started reading in a reluctant way at first;

The letters were quite shabby and covered with dust.

The first gravestone read, 'I tried my best my Valentine,

But, couldn't fight the virus and died in quarantine.'

I fumbled at the last words for the depth they c


The last words emphasized his death bedridden times when he was harried.

I gained pace and strode towards the grave which had a card resting on it,

The card desolated the words,' As a single parent I won't quit.'

The words followed few further lines,

'I told our four, your Mom has gone to the divines.'

He asked me, "what she is going to bring for me?"

I told him, "The upcoming beautiful time where there will be a long-lived life of us three."

The next grave had the words of remembrance,

Which stated, 'Dear Son,9/11 was unable to remove from world your soul and presence'

I ran and grasped for breath out of the gate,

My friends laughed and sensed my nervous trait.

I couldn't expound my feelings which came out as a tear,

I gained my final strength to propound as the experience was hard to bear.

One of them grinned and exclaimed, "You seem petrified as if you saw a ghost or were fleeced,"

I replied, "I encountered a virtue, as I have deciphered the fondness of the loved ones and they're deceased."

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