Charmaine deSouza

Horror Tragedy


Charmaine deSouza

Horror Tragedy

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

2 mins

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

Because monsters have no face,

The real you lurk behind closed doors,

Safely hidden without a trace.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

Because I don’t know who you are.

You’re abusive, cold, and cruel,

You were my hero, my shining star.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

The monster under my bed

Lying in wait hidden in the shadows,

The beast messing with my head.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

You are not who you used to be,

The one who shared my roof, my bed,

I once called you “Family”. 

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

You are not who they see,

They will never know the real you

Half as well as me.

You know you are pretentious

And what they see is just an act,

You’re parading as someone you

Are not and you know that’s a fact.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-Y


You used to be my guiding light,

The trusty beacon leading me home

On a dark and moonless night.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

But you meant the world to me

I’m so glad you chose to walk away

And let me run free.

Dear I-Don’t-Know-What-To-Call-You

But no matter how good you can be

You will always remain an abuser to me.

This poem is dedicated to everyone who has faced Domestic Violence especially psychological abuse (this is really tough to overcome physical wounds heal, the mental ones are invisible and the pain takes longer to go away), has been victim shamed, has been blamed, has been subjected to gaslighting, smear campaigns, flying monkeys, lies, silent treatment, invalidation, forced to be alone, ridiculed publicly, humiliated. Know that you are a survivor and a warrior. You were stronger than them, you rose above them and they had to clip your wings. Don't let anyone dim your light! 

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