The woman on my wall
The woman on my wall

As I got up from my bed, I noticed an odd piece of art.
It was an old woman, and she was walking while pulling her shopping cart.
She lifted up her hand, and pulled out food from the air.
Was she Rapunzel with her long, magical hair?
She kept on pulling lots of food until her cart could hold no more.
Then, she made the food vanish, and the cart was just like before.
What on earth was I thinking? This was all just a dream.
Or the painting was as real and scary as the woman made it seem!
I got her attention and happily waved my hand.
She didn't respond she only picked up some blood red sand.
She stared at me and poured the sand all over head,
In a boom and flash she left, leaving only her shadow which had turned red.
>I looked around the painting to see where she had gone,
Then I looked outside the window and saw her standing on my lawn.
I rushed outside my room, looking for my mother.
But as I was running, I heard a squeal from my younger brother.
I went into his room and the woman inside glanced at me.
Then she started running towards me like a nanny running for her tea.
I ran across the room, leading her into my backyard,
I can't believe I'm still going with this poem, I must be a bard!
I rushed off past her, and picked up some leftover red sand,
I threw it upon her, and she vanished, leaving only her hair strand!
I buried the strand in some dirt, so it could never be found,
Then I rushed back to my house, feeling safe and sound!