Prachi Srivastava



Prachi Srivastava


The Beauty Of Quarantine!

The Beauty Of Quarantine!

1 min

The beauty of quarantine...

When the humans are held back in their houses,

While nature is at its pure sheen.

The grass appears greener;

The trees dancing blissfully, in their newly acquired teen,

The birds have become chirpier;

While the air is the purest than it has ever been.

The streets have turned deserted,

But they're the cleanest of the clean;

Isn't the spotting of the beautiful mountain ranges, miles away, really an unbelievable scene?!

Ganga's water has become fit for human consumption,

Finally, the immaculate Goddess's purity is redeemed!

When nature is spotless and wholesome,

Then only masked faces are to be seen.

 I wonder, why for nature's revival, 

Do humans have to face such an extreme?

Maybe, because we took too long to realize how insensitively we've messed up with nature's regime!

Nevertheless, I have a dream,

Let not the lessons be taken for granted;

May the generations to come not to see such an extreme,

Before it's too late... nature and the humans should start acting as a team!!

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