नूपुर Noopur शांडिल्य Shandilya

Inspirational Others


नूपुर Noopur शांडिल्य Shandilya

Inspirational Others

#Thank You Teachers

#Thank You Teachers

1 min

Thank you

My mother 

My father

My lifelong teachers

Who taught me

How to behave.

Thank you

My KG teacher 

Who taught me

The basics,

The A B C of living,

To follow strictly 

The lane discipline.

Thank you

My school teachers, 

For holding a mirror 

To my smug mug

And pushing me

Beyond my limits.

Thank you

My learned lecturers

For preparing me

To be on my own,

For setting the tune

And letting me


My own piece.

And so many thank yous

To the books, I have read,

To the music, I have heard


To the extraordinary...

Ordinary people, I have met

And the awakening thoughts 

I have imbibed from them.

Thank you

To all the hardships

That made me resilient.

To the unexpected

Precious happy moments,

Mementos of life's blessings.

And most of all

Thank you

To those who chose

To appreciate. 

Appreciation sown

Deep down,

Showed me 

Where I belong.

That I belong

Where my heart

Has always been.

However, small my boat

I must sail on

On my own.

And carve out a path

I have always wanted 

To walk on...

And find myself.

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