Test Her

Test Her

1 min

A village resider,

Still was a learner;

Tied into knot,

Thought it was a story plot;

Farewelled in a metro city,

Buildings,roads were too fancy.

She feared, wanted a magic wand,

Kin holding her hand ;

Taught her to fought,

Together they were army,

Love and trust as weapons.

Was left with loneliness,

When his body went into stillness,

Life acquired darkness,

Feared for her next step,

But didn't gave up,

Relatives w

ho were hungry,

Only for property,

She didn't gave them a penny,

Society broke her bangles,

Prisoned her,

Failed to cage her,

Spirit was strong ,

So was her determination.

Took his business,

Expanded it,

Rose it,

Made it among top.

Don't break her,

Pieces could hurt you.

Don't test her,

She could shine,

And blind you,

Don't you dare,

Limit her,

For she could even outshine

Through crevices.

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