Chittaranjan Nanda

Action Fantasy Inspirational


Chittaranjan Nanda

Action Fantasy Inspirational

Stop looking for past

Stop looking for past

1 min

Life isn't easy, can be cruel,

Life is full of mysteries,

 It is natural that every human 

Feels sad like the rain as if it would not stop,

Receives hurts,

Feels alone,

Tears roll down, 

Though one tries to stop,

The darkness becomes stronger.

One may experience that

People cared to turn their backs,

Be strong in mind,

Without being influenced by it,

Dig deep inside that

man is mortal,

Nothing would touch the soul,

Bring motivation inside,

Thunder would come to end,

And do not lose t

he determination,

Be strong in mind 

With deep faith inside 

That there is a spirit 

Inside the Soul which says 

Keep on traveling the life,

As everything fades away,

One day all would die.

It's one's choice,

To be an angel of light or darkness,

Because love is the key,

which is never ending,

Listen to the heart,

Be happy to be the best,


Stop looking for past

Encouraging peace 

Harmony and joy,

Remembering that

Time is really no man's friend.


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