Song Of My Soul
Song Of My Soul

Mother, a word that spells magic creating an aura of precious and perfect bonding.
Mother, an epitome of selfless love and an icon of unadulterated affection to the core.
A persona par excellence that raises the bar of purity and generosity.
A face that makes our worries vanish into the air, a glance that stabilizes our insecurities and allays our fears.
A voice so lovely and soothing, a gesture so divine, a portrayal of beauty beyond the conventional norms.
Her love strengthens our entity and her
blessings diminish our adversaries without visible forms.
A silent prayer always on her lips, for the well being and prosperity of her kin.
An invisible hand always ready to help without a call, a friend in all passing phases of life, making us never miss any other living soul.
An angel without wings, a healer without a panacea.
A teacher without a degree and a counselor with a possible strategy.
A person who is complete in her own selves, who creates a beautiful paradise for her loving souls.