Bharath Kumar

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Bharath Kumar

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Refine Your Shore Of Life

Refine Your Shore Of Life

1 min

If you are devoid of happiness

Maybe you have surrendered to covetousness

If you subjugate yourself to the abominable desires

Your joyful quotient expires

Disregarding the hallowing Mother Earth

Can dwindle your strength 

If you flirt with vicious vices

You get subdued by harrowing forces

The cluttered mind can't wallow in the tranquillity

Peaceful mind doesn't befriend vanity

The fickle mind yields to the alluring temptation

A steady mind's plan always comes to fruition

The proliferation of evil thoughts aggravates your diseases

Acceptance of spiritual thoughts alleviates the fickleness of your senses 

If you allow the greed inside you to subside

You can look forward to an exciting ride

Don't stick your nose in other's business

Learn to mind your own business

Abandon the lame excuses churned out by your mind

Don't follow the trend instead set your own trend

Program your mind to take your instructions 

Do not play with other's emotions

Allow the positive spirit to settle on the shore of life

Toy with the serene breaths to keep yourself alive.

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