One Love All Along

One Love All Along

1 min

Nothingness Sparked

And we Appear

Celebrated all

With bells and cheer

Beyond names, we're given

15 days after we born

I see you and I

One Love all along

I am discovering myself

And you are finding You

I rejoice and accept the changing us

That's being a Friend True

With you, I found the REAL me

Beyond right and wrong

I see you and I

One Love all along

Relationship has a SHIP


eant to journey and flow

You and I steer our path

Be waves high or low

As we relate to each other

Let's create the Discovery Song

I see you and I

One Love all along

I see you every day new

And you too view me anew

You care and I share

Togetherness needs words very few

Lets kiss and hug, a lot, a lot

They say Life's only as long

I see you and I

One Love all along

O Divine Self 

Keep us in Truth

Keep us in Fun

Keep us Whole

Each other's shining Sun.

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