One Love All Along
One Love All Along
Nothingness Sparked
And we Appear
Celebrated all
With bells and cheer
Beyond names, we're given
15 days after we born
I see you and I
One Love all along
I am discovering myself
And you are finding You
I rejoice and accept the changing us
That's being a Friend True
With you, I found the REAL me
Beyond right and wrong
I see you and I
One Love all along
Relationship has a SHIP
eant to journey and flow
You and I steer our path
Be waves high or low
As we relate to each other
Let's create the Discovery Song
I see you and I
One Love all along
I see you every day new
And you too view me anew
You care and I share
Togetherness needs words very few
Lets kiss and hug, a lot, a lot
They say Life's only as long
I see you and I
One Love all along
O Divine Self
Keep us in Truth
Keep us in Fun
Keep us Whole
Each other's shining Sun.