New Day
New Day

Wake me to a new day, a new Life
To newness of a hope newly wedded bird
Let new day, bring new hopes and Dreams
Joyous voice, conversation and roll coaster screams
A new dawn, a new dusk
Aroma of fresh air and harvested corn husk
Open to receive and let go to leaves
Walk in direction of new breeze
New goal, new dreams
Being one in wholeness, new theme
So I walk with people or alone
There things that await me a theme
The one to serve, rather be served
To be humbled, be strong to web
To whimsical and smart some
Be myself, me being me, is my new mot, new goal and new rhyme
Days would come when this time would be Old
A piece of memories just throw
Some would be good, some Bad
But the learning we derive is iron clad
To be love or be loved
To be hated or push away
We learn eventually to walk alone
Finally it is the alone walk to the goal throne