Anushka Deo 07 VIIIC

Classics Children


Anushka Deo 07 VIIIC

Classics Children

My Brother in Imagination

My Brother in Imagination

1 min

A protective cover, 

Your ultimate lover,

Who puts the right thing in wrong place, 

Is your brother.

Your shadow he becomes,

For a heart as wonderful as his, 

Gives out everything, 

To give you the best in each thing.

Unimpaired younger he is, 

But a real older seems to be, 

Self styled and natural, 

Never he misses a chance to tease me. 

"Unbreakable is our relation,"

When I tell him so, 

He laughs hard at that, 


p>But smiles deep down I know.

I am not a sister to any brother,

But I know how it feels, 

When you have a nosy little prat, 

Doing some stupid deals. 

Even after the world ends, 

You will have him with you, 

Whose love cannot be quantified and expressed, 

But will be always there for you. 

Dedicated to all brothers whose love is, 

Higher than skies and deeper than seas, 

Who are the real superheroes,

With the skilled ability to tease.

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