Happy Kumar



Happy Kumar


Mumma'S Boy

Mumma'S Boy

1 min

You are the one ,

Who gave me birth;

You are the one who taught me,

To walk on my little feet on this earth;

You are the One,

Who gave me a name;

Though I am a fool,

You treated me like a gem;

You are the one ,

Who stood beside me like a pillar;

You are an exception,

For love who didn't charge me dollar;

Your love is pious,

Your love is divine;

You are my Lord,

>You are my shrine;

 I talked to you roughly,

But you always replied in soft tone;

I didn't respect your love,

But your heart never turned into stone;

 Today Once again,

I am deserted and Alone;

I want to lie down with my head in your lap,

And cry for all wrongs I have done;

Forgive me for all my nuisances,

Mom don't leave me alone ever;

 Whatever world may call me,

But I would to be my Mumma's boy forever;

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