Aarav Mann



Aarav Mann


Muddled Minds

Muddled Minds

1 min

A day of sorrow,

a day of triumph,

A day never to be omitted.

My family and I with muddled minds,

Trying to tame these troubled times.

Our sorrow might turn into the ire of a wild werewolf.

When I gaze through these mirrors,

I see my family and I having a Jilly-jolly night,

Yet all of a sudden,

I break through those broken barriers,

To find myself once again,

in these busy old streets.

Everyone’s minds as muddled as a jigsaw puzzle.

After millions of muddled dusks,

One fine dawn emerges,

From the depths of the deep dark ocean,

To annihilate the doomed darkness

Which dominates our minds,

To sort the puzzle pieces,

that were once torn apart by the ire of our lives.

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