Mother's Words to a Teen Son
Mother's Words to a Teen Son
Well, my son, spend a day with your mom
I haven't seen you for weeks
Even if, we're in the same house.
Outing, late nights, everything made you engaged.
Dedicated my whole life to my only son
Have a heart, have a kind ear
Can't you have a day for your mom?
You aren't a kid no more, but you're my kid always.
I need to openly tell you something dear.
You're grown up and stepped to your teenage
Childness blown away like a thistledown
I could see the adam's apple in your throat
Deep routing your moustaches, given you handsome looks
Engulfed in deep mood swings, you may behave like fiery or enthusiastic
Experimenting yourself to portray a self identity,
May your mind get swirled deeply amidst of solitude or been rebellious
I fear the wild hormones may play
a devils' game in the background.
You may try to explore your needs and raunchy wishes.
You played with girls, caressed them as a brother.
But in teen, your eyes may enticed with lust thoughts
Love and lust grapple your mind and body.
Staringly your eyes may stray through a girl's body.
Wish for a magical touch, feels for a gentle tap.
Oh my son, it is nothing just a hormonal change.
What's your body revealed, is the same change that happened to her.
What's hid in your body beneath your clothes
It is as same for a female except for some parts.
Is it hauntingly obsessing your inner heart.
Remember your mother is a female too
You were born in a female's womb
Brought up by me, grandma and aunties
All were females, try to respect them.
Build your life with wonderful thoughts