Let's Just Pretend...

Let's Just Pretend...

2 mins

Standing at crossroad everything seems so messed up

I miss the good old days when we didn’t know how to give a fuck!

We are strangers to one another now

And the question echoing in my mind is just a simple ‘how?’

From where I am standing I can clearly see you

But it’s just too soon to say that I love the view!

The distance between us is increasing with each passing second

The hollowness in your eyes I have learnt to reckon!

I remember the time I tried to hold your hand

You said you couldn’t see a future for us from where you stand…

I accepted your decision since you didn’t really give me a choice

But in my heart still echoes your soothing voice…

I keep te

lling people and myself that I am fine

Because I hate sympathy and don’t want some tragic heroine to be defined

But the truth is I am stuck in that moment where everything changed

I keep thinking of the reason I was estranged

With a thousand probabilities I get no solid answer

I hop from one possibility to another like a hopeless dancer

Don’t get me wrong I don’t regret my actions at all

I just can’t help but wonder would it have been better if I stalled?

I just wish that things would go back to normal

Right now everything is way too awkward and formal

My foresightedness had indeed at that moment blackened

Let’s just pretend like none of this had ever happened…

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