Let Me Fly
Let Me Fly

On the threshold of my neighbourhood,
Inside a small nest,
Covered with warmth and protection I stay,
Let me fly Papa, let me fly.
I wish to see
The snow clad mountains,
The never ending rivers,
I wish to see the sea.
I wish to see the dewdrop form on the bright green leaves.
Also the honey made by the bees.
Free me from the shackles of universe,
Free me from the boundaries of time.
Let me experience,
The harsh rays of the bright sun,
The heavy monsoon rain,
And chilly nights of winter pass by.
But you will get tired sweet son,
You'll be hungry and you'll be lost.
I know I'll be exhausted,
I know the world outside is fierce.
But I'll be experienced
I'll be wise,
Let me try Papa, I'm born to fly,
Let me fly.