Hasmukh Amathalal



Hasmukh Amathalal


Keen Interest To Be

Keen Interest To Be

1 min

An Imperfection

It is not at all a sin

It is visible and noticed even

He always stands as crestfallen


But beware of one thing

Always try to bring

Some improvement

And show the betterment


No one is perfect

So don't overreact

It is a fact

And shall remain so in our acts


On whom to bank upon?

And keen interest to be shown

It is the quality of a good person

That he is not satisfied with his excused reasons


Fall and rise again

But never let the pain take over

You need the support and shelter

So get it from anywhere


You shall never become perfect

Or claim in your acts

It is self-drive

That makes you survive often

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