Manaswini Dash



Manaswini Dash


It is too late

It is too late

1 min

It is too late to explore the reality

As I am on the verge of extinction

Everyone exploited my emotions, sentiments

Everyone made me a laughing stock

But what was my fault?

Why did everyone ruin my self-esteem?

Religion preaches about honesty, silence,

Generosity, kindness and sympathy

I exhausted my meticulous efforts to do that

But why did the society punish me?

Today I am destitute of hope, dreams and Inspiration

I had not betrayed anyone

But everyone deceived me

I wanted to have a tiny house, a plate of food and clothes to protect my shame

But for my simplicity all betrayed me

I lost everything even my basic requirements

But still I am happy

Because I have unshakable faith in Almighty

He will make an arrangement for me

One thing haunts me that

Society is always amplifying the voice

That it's too late to understand 

And unveil the faces of every relationships.

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