It is Okay to Move On
It is Okay to Move On

To fall in love is easy, to keep the relationship is difficult.
Yet, we often find ourselves trapped in difficult relationships.
Sometimes you need to think about yourself, what you want.
More importantly, you should know when it is okay to move on.
It is Okay to move you when you feel suffocated in the relationship
It is okay to move on when love has taken a back seat and adjustment has slithered and settled in your life
It is okay to move on when the relationship is costing your self-worth and self-respect.
It is okay to move on when you are constantly being judged and questioned for who you are
It is okay to move on when the relationship that was suppo
sed to nurture anIt Is Okay To Move Onet you were just a piece of life for the other one and that too replaceable.
It is okay to move on when you realize though it takes two to be in a relationship, yet you find yourself all alone
It is okay to move on when you realize that your relationship is draining you out emotionally leaving you all exhaust
Yes, true relationships need time and effort to build, it undergoes a lot of challenges
But if you realize you are in one way relationship, it’s better to find the exit
Don't let yourself get doomed, just for the sake of being in that relationship,
It is okay to move on rather than get yourself drowned in it.