Kaartika Chitturi



Kaartika Chitturi


It Doesn't Wait For You

It Doesn't Wait For You

1 min

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the seconds keep passing by

Time’s running, leaving minutes and hours behind

And whilst some of us decided to run with it,

Others simply sit and wait for more time

And they don’t realise until they are completely out of time

Another year goes by, and when you look what you’ve done

A few turn to see great achievements, while others nothing

Weeks, and months were left unused because they believed,

They believed they had more time, more chances,

When they’re actually losing them as each second passes, misused

Time is an illusion, running rapidly

And sometimes we fail to keep up with its speed

Some start again, some resume, and some simply do nothing

But time will not wait for anyone to catch up

Our heart can stop beating, and the world can end, but time will keep running

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