Intoxicating Beauty

Intoxicating Beauty

1 min

A moonlit night spreads out wide,

A narrow brook gushes by my side.

A soft breeze flows through my hair,

And my mind settles down into silent prayer.

The rustling leaves spark off a conversation,

Alluring me to engage in a hallucination.

It is not wild, nor even mild,

It's about how the night's mystery gets untiled.

My heart, no more mine, sinks into the intoxicating


As if regaining back my senses is no more my duty.

Now the mighty wind comes riding the chariot of pride,

Brushing off all the gloominess aside.

My lips open up in wo


As I curiously watch the timid water thunder.

The hustle of sounds steadily come to rest,

And the serene nature reappears with its lucid taste.

The lush green silk serves as a cosy bed,

As a fox star shines above my head.

Ten million twinkling bugs teach me how to dance,

And a white butterfly kisses my hand, offering me a golden


The nature unveils its unending fantasy,

Its each thread woven with such utter delicacy.

I slowly shut my eyes as the moon above gleams bright,

Wrapping up myself within the chestnut of this lovely night.

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