Gaikwad G/A
God, when you chiseled a raindrop,
How did you think of a stem,
Bearing a lovely satin leaf
To hold the tiny gem?
My Friend
While walking on the road, Many mirrors I was showed! While walking on the road, Many mirrors I was showed!
And later, each and every kidWill love you more for what you did. And later, each and every kidWill love you more for what you did.
Seeking for redemption Seeking for redemption
Very inspirational indeed.. Very inspirational indeed..
We bonded when she said that I deserved something much better and beautiful and real We bonded when she said that I deserved something much better and beautiful and ...
I have nowhere to go I have nowhere to go
This is a story of a woman , her patience, her love, her compatibility and a lot more. This is a story of a woman , her patience, her love, her compatibility and a lot...
Nice... Nice...
Believe in yourself... Believe in yourself...
Be authentic my dear Nothing else will I demand That the only thing I want Be authentic my dear Nothing else will I demand That the only thing I want
I'll grow like a flower in the concrete rift. I'll make my way I'll grow like a flower in the concrete rift. I'll make my way
Waking up to the old sport of muck and the puddle. Waking up to the old sport of muck and the puddle.
The vicious circle of life is always a reminder... The vicious circle of life is always a reminder...
Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment! Empowerment is when a woman doesn't really have to think about empowerment!
As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resolution, Past is pa... As the old year bids adieu, I am instilled with new dreams, new hopes, new resol...
In a boxing match between joy and sorrow, who wins in the end? In a boxing match between joy and sorrow, who wins in the end?
Terror is spreading like an epidemic agonizing the minds of masses. Terror is spreading like an epidemic agonizing the minds of masses.
The leaf of life which shall no more be green And is sitting quietly to bid itself a solemn fare... The leaf of life which shall no more be green And is sitting quietly to bid ...
Gaining wisdom is a blessing Gaining wisdom is a blessing
My biggest fear Is the wastage of time and money My biggest fear Is the wastage of time and money