Sahana (New Inspirations)

Tragedy Action Thriller


Sahana (New Inspirations)

Tragedy Action Thriller

Forget Me Not-Nikoly Ne Zabuva Mene

Forget Me Not-Nikoly Ne Zabuva Mene

3 mins

In between utter chaos and destruction

They held each other in devastation

Whirling smokes from the bombed building led to fear......

The war was near...

People running for lives

Children clinging to mother

Missiles whizzing past by

Air raid sirens sounded louder than thunder

In horror and fear, people rushed for refuge

People running around helpless in utter confusion.

People called out for their loved ones who were left behind

They cried bitterly and whined

Will, they ever meet again? the questions popping in their mind

Would luck favour them, will it be kind?

It was not their fault, they are just the citizens

Why the call for war and friction?

The cell phones received no signal

Turmoils passed them all

What shall be next, who would come to fall

In between the whizzing missiles and bullets

Stood the duos like couplets

Looking into each other's eyes in pain

They had now nothing to lose and nothing to gain

Right in the middle of the chaos in a moment uncertain...

The time stood still for them

The fear in their eyes was palable

Still, the moment for them was valuable

Thinking of the day they met...

Now perhaps to separate

"The blue sparkle in her eyes mesmerised thee

By the heavens, they were soul mates to be"

The dark eyes drifted past the crowded station

Love, at first sight, was that, needless to mention

Nature and time came to a standstill

Assuming the meeting was Almighty's will

When their eyes met, ripples led to crests and troughs within their heart

They found love amidst the crowd to lead a happy life and never part

Promises of life and death together they dreamt...

They nurtured every moment together they spent

Life was lovely, painless, peaceful and sound

Never did

they think there would be fear around

Whatever did come that would pass

Now they could not say until when this tremor outlast

Two doves promised never to forget each other

Never did they think their time may be over soon together

It is hard to tell who would live, who would die

Was this silent gaze eye to eye a final goodbye?

The less time in life they spend was fading away...

Intertwining their fingers they silently promised never to part away...

What would happen next people around were aghast...

Praying loud to the heavens get a promise of this too shall pass

There was a sudden blast and smoke curled out of a building collapsed

Cries of people looking for shelter, fear had taken them in its grasp

Casualty grew and the situation severe

The war was near......

The roaring fighter jet over the sky appeared

The siren of emergency was declared

Detained citizens were given shelter but chaos led to fear...

People fled for live heather and the theather

But the silence prevailed in between the four cold eyes...

They won't part ...even there was the demise

They lived so less together in this world without peace

They would live in the heavens after death if life may cease...

They were not scared anymore then

Nor did the noises and tremor cause any pain

Their silent gaze said "forget me not" we will meet again

When another warcraft flew overhead

The eyes turned cold and dead...

The eyes still met each other's gaze

Pushing off the girl safely the boy fell off in the fire blaze...

A cloud of black smoke curled up to heaven as the boy returns home leaving the girl in pain

With the trustful words..."nikoly ne zabuva mene"....we will meet again

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