Every End Is A New Beginning!
Every End Is A New Beginning!

To end one journey,
Is to a start of a new one,
With the feeling of mixed emotions!
Sometimes to see how amazing life is?
You have to go through pain,
To appreciate the beauty,
Growing in and around you,
Sometimes the stars fall from the sky,
Shooting across it,
Allowing us to wish upon it,
As it passes away,
Sometimes we lose friends in life,
So that we can have an open place for the new ones,
You will say goodbye to great friendships,
And see life with new sight!
Sometimes you have to lo
se mind to find your freedom!
Every end is just a new beginning,
A chapter closed,
But always continues,
All memories earned in pain and laughter,
One book to be closed,
Another to start!
For every end,
Hope delivers a new beginning,
No need for words, goodbyes or sorrow,
There is never forever, but only tomorrow,
When all doors close with despair,
A new day brings open windows and fresh air,
I take a leap forward,
There can never be an end,
When there's life in my heart!