Environment Day
Environment Day
Under a sky vast and whispering,
June 5th awakens the earth,
a global chorus of voices rises,
breathing life into the theme,
"Nature's Call: Preserve and Protect."
Mountains echo with the footsteps of change,
rivers murmur stories of renewal,
forests whisper secrets of resilience,
and the air hums with the promise of tomorrow.
Today is a reminder,
a beacon in the heart of humanity,
illuminating the paths we tread,
inviting us to pause, to reflect,
to see the beauty in balance,
the harmony in sustainable hands.
We gather not in idle celebration,
but in purpose,
to champion the earth’s cause,
to heed the call of nature,
to protect what is sacred,
to restore what has been lost.
From the humblest seedling,
to the towering canopy,
each act of care,
each mindful choice,
ripples through t
he tapestry of life.
Sustainable practices,
like ancient wisdom reborn,
guide us towards a future,
where resources renew,
where ecosystems thrive,
where generations dance in the shadow of trees,
that we plant today.
In the fabric of everyday life,
we weave threads of conservation,
reuse, recycle, restore,
we turn away from waste,
embrace the cycle of seasons,
the rhythm of earth’s heartbeat.
World Environment Day,
a day not just marked on calendars,
but etched into the spirit,
a call to arms, to heart,
to protect the delicate cradle,
that holds us all.
Let us rise,
to preserve, to protect,
to listen to nature's call,
and answer with every action,
a pledge, a promise,
to the only home we know,
the earth beneath our feet,
the sky above our dreams.