Vrajlal Sapovadia

Drama Others


Vrajlal Sapovadia

Drama Others

Comet Neowise

Comet Neowise

1 min

When a wealthy man show Neowise

Refused to buy comet of three-mile size

A poor girl bought in a bid succeed

It had earth’s double the speed

The comet diamond was very bright

The mundane merchant felt big fright

Prince Neowsie dons the Big Dipper

Located above the horizon slight deeper

Comet with two tails lingering in the sky

After sunset in the northwestern sky

Look at the northeastern sky before sunrise

You will see bright moving Neowise

Watching is rarity and music to your ears

Will come back after seven thousand years

When a wealthy man show Neowise

Those who watched comet was very wise

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