Change thinking the way we thi
Change thinking the way we thi

Change thinking the way we think
Why we always blame other for any unjust happen to us,
Why we always try to be orthodox and rigid ourself in the limit,
Why we always think if we have not done this than that something unusual might not have happened,
Or why we think we did this so it happened,
Why we blame God for all injustices or unlawful act happen to any,
Why we always blame luck or karma for all injustices,
Why we say it's our past's life curse responsible for all,
Why we can't digest others success,
Why we think that it is his or her past karma for such success or any downtrodden,
Why we offer coconut to God when any work fulfills,
Why not we offer coconut to God casually or without any dem
and in return,
Why we always think that girl who go outside at night always do bad things,
Why we can't allow our kid to play outside with elder peoples,
Why we have a doubt on all who is not familiar,
Why in some caste it's believes that not applying tika on forehead will bring bad omen for the husband,
The time arrived to change our thinking,
Don't look all people with doubt eyes,
All are not same,
Do some favor,
Offer poor and needy people with alm,
No one affects no one's life's so better to stop filling ear's of other,
Our tongue is our friend when it is in control it becomes foe if it is out of control,
So better change the thinking the way we think