Bhaavya Pahuja

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Bhaavya Pahuja

Abstract Drama Tragedy

Butcher the Truth

Butcher the Truth

1 min

The sky might bleed

Into a brook of terror

That hegemonizes

Perpetrating fascism and falsehood 

Perpetuating the cold and blizzard

And strangling the fire of truth. 

When the mankind does bleed such

They may hound and gag through their nazism

They may tarnish the blooms

They may crush the springs

YET they cannot prevent the spring from blooming again. 

Under this nightsky

Let's manifest the dawn to emerge

The revolution for truth that engulfs all the devil

For the ones t

hat are old and antique 

Are inherently gravitated 

Towards the wave of love that binds

For they believe - once again

The truth

That got butchered 

Shall overpower when extremes lead to the end

The one ray that residues in them

Shall wax and wax

And fabricate itself into full

And finally triumph

Over the delusion in which they sought home. 

Now its the bloom that awaits-

And we shall be victorious again, 

We shall be victorious again. 


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