Bleeding Is A Blessing
Bleeding Is A Blessing

The day she got her first periods,
Was the toughest day for her.
Not knowing that what she was going through..
Just sobbing like a 1-month baby,
As it was the first day of her pain.
Actually this was not only the internal pain,
By which she was going through.
But the voice of people !
How will you feel,
If you are stopped from,
Entering in the kitchen for next five days ?
What will you do,
If you are ordered to sleep on mat,
Leaving your comfortable bed for next five days ?
How will you feel?
If you have to buy those pads from a male shopkeeper,
stares at you before giving you the packet.
What will you do ?
If they stopped you from entering in a temple,
Saying you are impure for next five days ?
How will you feel ?
If you have to fight every month,
The fight with bleeding pain,
And the fight with the society.
I can easily defy the bleeding pain.
But tell me how to fight with this society ?
How to answer this questions on my purity ?
How to stop those eyes staring me ?
Because if bleeding is impurity,
Then the one who has taken birth,
From a women’s womb,
And made these rules is himself impure !