As Lonely As Breeze
As Lonely As Breeze
I wonder as lonely as a breeze
From here to there,
From winter to summer,
Hiding among trees
Rustling through leaves,
Chirping with birds
While flying kites.
I cross miles kissing the sky,
Jumping over the mountains,
Touching the seas and fountains.
I love many flowers,
Some flowers truly love me,
Before making love
Some flowers wither,
Some turn wilder.
Sometimes tim
e rages at me
And I begin to thunder.
Sometimes stealing
The hues of autumn
And the fragrance of spring,
I am called an autumn breeze,
Sometimes as delightful
As spring breeze
I run singing the glory of love
To merge in eternity.
I blow many times
Touching the feet
Of true lovers
To bind them in a string of
Unconditional and unending
Love forever and ever.