An Agonizing Wait
An Agonizing Wait

Staring at the horizon, I see
The golden rays of the sun
Shimmer over the blue ocean
Like sparklers out for fun.
I wait for your shadow to emerge
From the emptiness of the shore,
As all this beauty means nothing
Without you by my side to share.
I wait and wait with anguish
As hues of gold turn into orange,
The sun sets, and the moon rises
But, you are yet not in range.
Now the night is tranquil,
And the m
oon is really bright,
I wait for you, my love,
To lift me up from my plight.
The heat of passion in my heart
Is burning like the desert sands
As I long for the glorious feel
Of your form within my hands.
Then I spy you from afar and my mind whirls in a daze,
You approach with feline grace to enhance the beauty of the place.
The twinkle of the stars, the shine of the moon
Add to the hope that you bring happiness very soon.