A Sumptuous Meal
A Sumptuous Meal

Grinding the batter for a sumptuous meal,
Giving the festive season an exhilarating feel,
The entire town goes gaga over the festival,
The rendezvous of the kith and kin of many generations,
Food is the vehicle for an awe-inspiring celebration.
Cutting the verdant banana leaves,
Sprinkling the divine drops of water on the tender leaves,
Laying them on the good ol' humble floor,
Serving ambrosial food and desserts galore,
The piping hot steamed rice cakes
Served with the evergreen lentil vegetable stew,
Along with the milky nectarous tea, freshly brewed.
The luscious, crispy deep fried vadas
Served with freshly ground coconut chutney,
The balsamic, creamy sweet pongal
Admixed with the saporific raisins and cashews,
As one thoroughly savours the lip-smacking meal,
Filling one's heart and appetite with eternal joy and bliss.