A Priceless Gift

A Priceless Gift

1 min

He came to see me,

With his head high,

Of course in the uniform,

His Aura was so much,

I could not refuse,

And we tied the knot.

And he promised,

He may gift

A priceless gift;

Where in

I can hold,

My head high

Through out my life.

Every time he brushed,

His fingers through

My silky hair;

He used to say,

"Darling how beautiful,

You are."

And promised,

He may

Give me a priceless gift.

Whenever he

Peeped through my

Eyes, I could see

The intensity and love;

That he had not

Just for me,

But for the country.

Then I realized,

He was saying,

Darling beautiful

Not to me, but for the country.

He used to say,

Rose is a beautiful flower.


red in color,

As much as blood;

Which too is beautiful.

I did not realize

Till such time,

I saw his body,

Draped in blood;

Giving a reddish background,

On the mother earth.

And his face smiling,

Saying that -

"I did say, blood is

As beautiful as rose."

I was standing

In front of my house,

When army men came

With a box;

Fully decorated,

Wearing a national flag,

He expressed

In pride,

That he has given me -

The priceless gift.

I did not know,

If to cry or laugh.

For I did not know,

That this was the gift -

He was talking about.

I held my head high

And did tell him,

I don’t mind;

One more

For the nation,

As my son was standing

Next to me.

Jai Hind

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