Dust gets settled at home
Unless continuously monitored and cleaned
Just because dust is there at home
Even if incapacitated to clean
You do not leave the home
Nor proclaim dust is there
In the house
Proclaiming dust is there
In the house
Serves no purpose
As no one is coming to clean
The dust in the house
If the dust so existed.
Other than the fact
That now you and many others
Will know that your house
Is a dirty house
As you have proclaimed
That the house is dirty
Even though you now
Try to clean the house
Your house is still seen
As a dirty house
As the image you proclaimed
Is visible across
And it takes time
To change the image
Of the dirty house
And even if you proclaim
My house is clean
It will take time
To believe you in.
Every house
Will accumulate dust
Of one form or other
It's a choice we make
To proclaim or not to proclaim
Dust keeps coming in
If not in one form
But in the other form
Some who know
Don't proclaim about dust
But try to keep it clean
Some faster
And some sl
But never ever utter
House is dirty because of the dust
No harm in proclaiming
And if it serves some purpose
Of other than people
Laughing at you
Some may even
Say I would offer help
To clean the dust inside
But as a proud owner
Of the house
You never would want
Somebody to peep
In to your dirty house.
The one who peeps in
To your dirty house
Would just laugh at you
But does nothing
The dust remains
And the house remains dirty
A dirty house
Not just for you,
But for others too
As you allowed
Him to peep through
Many care for their home
Their house is dirty too
But they do not say so
For they know
That Image of a dirty house
Is not what they cherished
In their lifetime.
They continuously
Try to watch
When and where
The dust is getting accumulated
And keep it cleaning
To keep the house clean
Away from the dust
Dust will keep coming in
In one form or other
You have a choice to
Proclaim it is dirty
Or make it clean.
( Dust: Problems. Home/House: Country)