Joy Lobo

Children Others


Joy Lobo

Children Others

A Broken Piece Of Fun-Fair

A Broken Piece Of Fun-Fair

1 min

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair,

It’s full of crowd with love and joy to share,

Youngsters come-in with a pair,

Rides make them feel so scare,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair,

To enjoy the ride, pay your ticket fare,

Youngsters start their love-affair,

Ride stops! Say hey it’s unfair,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair,

Rides take you into the air,

You recite the whole Lord’s Prayer,

Then you realize all promises are just Castles in the air,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

Come O’pe

ople to a place called fun-fair,

As I sat in Giant-wheel-chair,

My heartbeat was faster than the air,

Between the ride got stuck the long-hair,

Voice screamed oh girl take care,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair,

As I kept my feet in break-dance square,

I was filled with the nightmare,

I closed my eyes said the angel’s prayer,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair,

As I walked down delicious food was prepared,

Vendors shouted in the air,

Let’s go home by paying our Taxi-fare,

Come O’people to a place called fun-fair.

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