Pavithra Venkatesan

Children Stories Drama Others


Pavithra Venkatesan

Children Stories Drama Others

My Little Bro...

My Little Bro...

3 mins

What a wonderful eternal feeling of hearing its a

Boy baby....Hip Hip Hurray...!!!!.

My blood...

Just a facsimile of me...

Never felt so blissful and cheerful in my life...

that minute I felt there is...


He has EARS...!!!

Yes...God must be HE...!!!

That’s y HE could understand what I want..


Finally......My prayers are heard...!!!!

Hey my little cheeky monkey...what will I do seeing you...???

Just crush and kissh...and pour you on my a jelly...!!

Or gnaw or nibble you like a rabbit...!!

Or fold or crush you into my shirt and run away...

But “I can't do...”

My mom says

Be kind.... teach him good things.....

Study well everyone..share things...more importantly

 eat well..


 NO Phone

NO Laptop


He copies you......

You are his role model..

bla bla blaaa...”

Really should I be doing all such things to you...

The fact is I never wanted you to be as good as I am in anything...!!!

Do you follow...mind impish...puckish rascal... !!!

I would never ever watch you while you are playing...

That’s the way I will teach you...Freedom

I would never hold you when you do sea-saw...

Rather I will clear all stones nearby to see you fall..


(247, 150, 70);">That’s the way I teach you Rise Up When You Fall

I would never eat nicely in front of you...

Rather eat slowly...for hours together....

That’s the way I teach you “to eat fast...”


I don’t want to teach you RHYMES...STORIES...

Rather..give you a rhythm for you to make new ones...

That’s the way I teach you “creativity...”

When I yell and scream at you...

That’s the way I teach you “NEW WORDS...”

I would never take you along with me for playing..

That’s the way I teach you to make NEW FRIENDS”

But beware...

When I cajole hug and kiss mom/ dad...


I am teaching you how to get a toy...

When am doing wrong maths...


I am testing your numbers...

When I ask your friends to get out...


Mom and dad are fighting at stay away...

When mom yells at me for not behaving well with guests...


I am giving you a chance to be good...

When I don’t fall and get blessings from elders...


I am giving you a chance to redeem your piggy bank...

So my dear darling...Akshy (my little bro's name)....whatever I do...there’s always some hidden learning for you....which mom and dad would not understand...nevertheless....

After All..the fact is

I don’t want you to be good as I am ..

I want my little brother to be the best...

I love you more than anything in this world.

From your adoring Pranav....

Always yours.....

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