Land of Diversity

Land of Diversity

3 mins

Let me tell a story by the hand

On a virtual journey

Of my exquisite, magical land

With the lofty mountains

Forming its sublime coronet,

And the mighty, turquoise ocean

Washing its feet in reverence.

My motherland stands,

On the worldly arena

Her head held high in pride

And on her lips a welcome smile.

On winding trails that pass

Through swaying golden crops

That dance in the fragrant, coy breeze

Where pearls of sparkling dew

Shines on green satin

On plains and hillsides,

In the virgin golden morn.

Where rivers of rainbows float

In the dancing draught,

On lithe forms of shy maidens,

Swaying on rope-swings, dangling

On boughs in the monsoon shower,

And singing melodies of love.

Where appetizing aromas float

From every kitchen,

On every threshold-

Intricate patterns of colors

Are strewn with scented petals

To welcome the dawn,

With holy bells

chiming in the air,

And garlands of marigold dangle

From the pelmets of doors.

The golden sands blaze

In one hand-with mirage of deceit

Soaring in the arid heated air,

Of this proud damsel,

And in the other palm

She holds cascades of rejuvenating rain

Born from cotton puffs of clouds,

And canopied by Iris' rainbows

Storms of variegated hues

Paint the drab world

As Holi comes to herald the spring,

Wiping all enmity from the worldly slate.

Where the streams of lamps,

In the festival of lights assist distant stars

In brightening the new moon night.

Where the music of flutes floats

Echoing from the lips of simple cowherds--

This is the vale of tradition

Where languages are diverse,

And religions are many;

Where mortals are infinite~

Yet the different words convey

The same meaning,

The different religions preach

The same doctrines,

And where a zillion hearts

Palpitate in the same rhythm

That of love, compassion, humanity... 

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