Satyam Tyagi



Satyam Tyagi


A Gift In The Kitchen

A Gift In The Kitchen

2 mins

When I die, just go to our place 

 But don't rush, just be slow with your pace

 Enter the kitchen and see in the right 

  You'll have a cupboard in your sight

  Open its doors and see the upper shelf

   Stop crying now and handle yourself 

 I know you are a Pokemon, just take a stool 

 I know you will be laughing now like a fool

 Now stop laughing and see the upper shelf

  Just be careful with that I am not there to help

Pull off the ribbon and lift up the cover

Take it as a gift from your dead lover

 Please don't cry, that'll make me weak

 I was planning this from weeks

You see, the box has our memories

The hardships, the love and our tale of fairies

The photos, the gifts, and your ring

And all those tapes when we used to sing

There is something more

Wrapped in red velv

et, looking at you so

Just unwrap it up, let the cloth fall

That's our wedding's crystal ball

Snow, you and me in our wedding dress

Happiest in the whole universe I guess

It's us all in that box, you can see

It's time for me to go now, I am free

Free from this life but not from your love

I'll be watching you everyday from above

Just take care and be a good man

Remember to switch off the lights and fan

Have breakfast daily and don't skip meals 

Control your anger in the office deals

I'll be there, sooner or later 

Just don't let yourself shatter

In the end, I must say

I am glad that we had those days

You are so perfect, you are my love 

I wished to stay longer to explain enough

But you know that I loved you so

And I'll love you forever and more

It's getting late, I have to run

Hope you liked your gift in the kitchen

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