Dr. Sudarshan Upadhyay

Romance Action Thriller


Dr. Sudarshan Upadhyay

Romance Action Thriller

Yearnings of Amber: 5

Yearnings of Amber: 5

10 mins

Sheryl watched with a deep sense of dread as Senthil laid out his martial menagerie on the dinner table. There was his snub-nosed ankle gun, ammunitions and other gear. And then there was the Bully, nearly as long as Sheryl and twice heavier. Senthil kept on looking towards Sheryl as he examined the weapons. Sheryl knew the gun very well. It was the thing that had drawn her attention to Senthil the first time they had met. That and the odd familiarity she had felt for him. It was only later, that she had realized they came from the same place. That day was the first time she had seen pirates, real pirates. Although she had seen plenty of pirates on TV. Mala liked TV and there was no TV on Hunter Island and…….

‘Sherry…Sheryl….Are you?’….Parikshit’s question was cut off as Sheryl answered.

‘I am fine Parikshit. Just a little shaken and nauseous and happy. We found it’ beamed Sheryl from the lake. She was feeling a little dazed and there was something funny going on in her stomach. They had found the source of radiation and may be answer to India’s problem of getting radioactive fuel.

‘Sheryl, I can’t get you out. I just talked with the blokes on ‘Makranda’ and they are going crazy. Please get a sample while the rescue team comes over’ Parikshit pleaded.

‘Scientists’ thought Sheryl, ‘Always the research comes first. Even if someone has fallen in an underground lake surrounded by alien look radioactive crystals’. She shook her head in irritation more so because she would have done exactly the same thing.

‘Watch out’ warned Parikshit just before a square yellow box landed about 3 meters away from Sheryl.

‘It’s good that you don’t play cricket Parikshit’ teased Sheryl.

‘Yeah, yeah. Can we stop teasing me and get to work’ Parikshit said patting the air.


Sheryl retrieved the testing kit. She tried breaking off a small part of the crystal with hammer. It was surprisingly strong. She tried again and again without any success. She went to another pillar and found smaller crystals. She was able to pry out a small enough sample. She placed the crystal into the slot and started the machine. She found herself humming to the tune of the machine. It would take around 45 minutes for the machine to churn out data.

‘Parikshit’ she hollered ‘You still owe me a bunch of Margaritas’. 

Parikshit gave her a thumbs up still talking on the radio.

Nearly an hour later, they reached the ship. The port side showing the ship’s original name Makranda and the star-board side showing DAE, short for Department of Atomic Energy.

They were welcomed back like heroes.

The research head Dr. Shastri hugged her although Captain Venkat wore his scowl as ever. She had heard rumors that his ship had been appropriated for this mission by the Indian government and he had not been paid enough. But the person Sheryl most wanted to see was standing on the upper deck. With her lithe built, curly hair and cute smile, Mala looked like a mermaid. She was examining the proceedings like a goddess looking over her realms.

Parikshit nudged Sheryl and handed her a bouquet of Margarita flower. Sheryl carried it over gingerly and found Mala looking at her. She alternatively blushed and beamed as Sheryl approached.

‘Thank you’ the words were sweeter than any wine. Their fingers touched as Sheryl handed over the flowers.

Mala suddenly found Sheryl leaning over as if to kiss her and moved back. But Sheryl kept on leaning and finally toppled like a drunkard. Mala screamed with the Margaritas clutched to her chest.

Sheryl opened her eyes to the beep of medical monitors and a faint jasmine perfume. Mala looked at her. A look full of love and pain and worry. There was no one around. Sheryl took Mala’s hand. She wanted to say something but just then Dr. Shastri entered with the Captain.

‘How are you feeling?’ asked Dr. Shastri.

‘Good’ answered Sheryl. Her voice felt raw.

‘That was a very potent isotope of Uranium, you found. You were exposed to a very high dose. We can do little on the ship but we are heading back and should reach Kochi in 7 days’. That was Dr. Shastri, always to the point.

Sheryl just shook her head in agreement.

‘By the way, you have been asleep for 2 days and this little fairy has been hovering around you 24 by 7’, he said pointing towards Mala.

‘Are you sure she won’t catch whatever Sheryl has’, the Captain asked, voice all gravely.

‘For the 100th time, Captain, it’s not an infectious disease. Mala will be fine. Come we have other things to discuss’ saying so Dr. Shastri pulled the Captain out from the room.

‘What did Dr. Shastri mean’ asked Mala. She could see Sheryl thinking.

Sheryl exhaled and said, ‘It looks like I have radiation poisoning. It may be nothing or I can die in the next one week or live with some after effects’.

‘How can you say it like that’ Mala said her hands scrunching the blanket over Sheryl.

‘Sorry, we scientists are like that, straight to the point with our facts. Mala, want to know another fact. If I have only the next week to live, I would like to live it with you’.

Mala looked up. Her face going through a whole gamut of emotions.

‘I do love Margaritas’ she answered demurely.

Just then there was a knock and Parikshit followed it.

He saw them and just stood there as if trying to solve a riddle. In a few moments he broke into the largest grin.

‘Oh my, what a cute couple you make’ he screeched. ‘The Captain won’t like this but I am totally loving it’.

The next 2 days were a bliss for Sheryl. It was as if her body also approved of their relationship. Sheryl got better and the couple were able to find ways to spend the sunset on the upper deck. Parikshit acting as a guard.

On the third afternoon, Mala woke Sheryl up and got her dressed hurriedly. Something had changed. Sheryl could sense it. The air felt charged with anticipation and a tingle of danger. Once they got out of the sick-bay, they were able to hear the subdued thump-thump of a helicopter.

They saw that everybody was gathered on the main deck. The Captain was arguing with a fellow in blue fatigues. Just then Parikshit came over.

‘What’s going on’ she asked.

‘Those soldiers are Indian navy. The helicopter just deposited them. It seems that pirates have been spotted in the area. They will give further instructions.’ Parikshit said i

n a hunched voice.

‘Those are some big guns’ Sheryl said pointing toward a man carrying a huge rifle.

‘Ohh....Mala your lady is looking at other men’ teased Parikshit.

‘Shut up, Parikshit’ chided Sheryl. While Mala just shook her head and smiled.

Just then the fellow who was talking with Captain hollered ‘Senthil’.

‘Sir, Major Sir’ the man with rifle moved ahead.

‘I think you can take the upper deck’.


‘And what company would you like?’ the Major asked.

‘Sir. My spotter and extra rounds for Bully are company enough’.


‘Well, there goes your spot’ Parikshit said.

The Major turned and addressed the crew.

‘Pirates have been spotted in this area. Our mother ship is waiting for a refueling. Once done she will do a wide patrol of the area, while we will be your escort. Do not worry about anything, just follow our instructions and you will be safe. Dismissed’ The Major added as if he was talking to squad of soldiers then walked away to resume his discussion with the Captain.

 As people dispersed Mala moved towards the Captain tagging Sheryl along.

‘Father’ Mala croaked but the Captain did not hear her so engrossed he was with

‘I am telling you again, Major, Pirates won’t bother us. That was the reason DAE chose us for this mission’. The Captain said his nostrils flaring with each word.

The Major smiled.

‘I know it very well, why the Makranda was selected. You are discreet, have good understanding with the locals of Vanuatu. That includes the local Pirates as well. Is it true that you yourself have dabbled in a bit of smuggling and the Indian government has agreed to look the other way if you helped out?

The Captain’s eyes hardened on hearing this.

‘Please Captain. What you do is your business. I have my orders and I will follow it. That means I escort you safely to the Kochi. If our presence means that your local Kochi contacts won’t be able to off-load the illegal goods you carry, than I don’t give a damn about it’.

Mala gasped loudly on hearing this. It was a shock for Sheryl as well.

The Captain looked at them, there was a little shame in his eyes.

‘Go inside’ he ordered. Sheryl had to coax Mala back towards the sick-bay.

‘Major, if I can talk with them, then they will let us be. I have paid off most off the local pirate crews.

The Major just shook his head.

‘These are not local pirates. You know the local situation in Vanuatu. Your general insurgency conditions. Well a few of those locals have banded together and they call themselves Empower Vanuatu Independent Lords. EVIL.

The Captain’s eyes grew as saucers on hearing this. He just shook his head murmuring to himself and retreated.

On the next day around noon. The ships’ alarm started blaring. The Major ordered everyone to hunker down in their rooms till further instructions. 6 skiffs had been spotted heading towards the ship.

On the upper deck, Senthil was getting ready. He methodically went over his Dragoon sniper. Checking the 12.7 mm anti-material rounds, the scope and the wind direction. He settled in the prone firing position and waited. The hunter was ready.

After a few minutes, the spotter spoke, 2 skiffs at 11’O clock and 2’O clock. Senthil just nodded in acknowledgement. The spotter again went back to his range finding monocular. He spoke after a few minutes. 2 skiffs with around 12 personnel total. Small arms. Ak-47s. No armor. Is that..They have RPG. Repeat they have RPGs. Speed around 25 knots. Orders Major.

The Major replied after a moment. ‘Guns hot gentlemen. Let’s earn our pay. Nobody gets within 300 yards of us’.

‘Affirmative’ answered the spotter.

He patted Senthil on the legs twice and said ‘Happy hunting’.

The hunt begun.

‘Let’s bully a few people’ Senthil growled back. A feral shine in his eyes.

‘11’O clock, wind speed 8 knots, north to north east, fire when ready’ the spotter said.

Senthil adjusted the scope and squeezed the trigger. The rifle bucked a little and the shot hit the water just behind a skiff.

‘Close, 3 dots right, 8 knots.

Senthil fired again and a plume of water spouted just in front of a speeding skiff.

‘You have your range, 2 dots higher, 7 knots. Get them’.

Senthil breathed out and this time there was no jet of water. No sound. Nothing dramatic. The skiff just jerked once and started going in circles. Black smoke spewing from its back.

‘Nice. No casualties. Motor dead. They think it’s an engine snag.’ The spotter laughed.

‘2’O clock, 7 knots, same lay. Let’s see some fireworks’.

Senthil was happy to oblige. He waited for this shot. His target was the RPG itself and he did not miss.

The shot rang true. Initially, sparks flew as the bullet tore through the skiff and into the RPG which exploded in the next instant.

‘Just saw a leg fly away. Good kill. They are fish food’.

‘Let’s find another target. I am hungry’. Senthil laughed

Sheryl and Mala were huddled together in the sick bay. Mala was actually consoling Sheryl.

‘It’s all right. It will be all right’ she cajoled. Sheryl smiled and repeated, ‘Yes. It’s all right’.

Senthil heard Sheryl murmuring ‘It’s all right’. He wanted to stay with her but felt that saving Charu was paramount.

‘Babi. Babi. Do you know Charu?’ Sheryl looked up confused.

Senthil took out her mobile and showed her a picture of Charu and spoke, ‘She is the granddaughter of the Captain of Makranda’.

Sheryl looked at the image and took the phone with trembling hands. Tears welled in her eyes.

Just then four men in green fatigues barged into the room.

Senthil stood up and saluted the fifth elderly soldier who came behind, ‘Marshall’.

‘Please guard her’, Senthil requested.

‘You need any company,’ the Marshall asked eyeing the weapons on the table.

‘I believe, I will. Get an assault team ready. I will contact you’ Senthil answered.

Sheryl had calmed down a bit and she glanced at the Marshall. He looked familiar and she looked more closely.

‘Major’ she blurted.

‘Ma’am’ answered the Marshall. ‘Although, I am a Marshall now’.

She looked at Senthil and cried out. 

‘She is my daughter, Kaka. Save her’. The tears started again earnestly.

Senthil nodded back in resolved.

‘Good hunting’ the Marshall said as Senthil ran out.

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