Arrow Which Tore My Heart
Arrow Which Tore My Heart

It was 12am of 25th March, my birthday. I was expecting a call from my girlfriend, Ria. But I didn't receive any call from her up-to 2 am. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Ria. I attended the call. She asked to open my home's door. It was Ria standing out with a big gift box holding on her hand. I called her inside my house. She asked me to open the gift box. The big gift box had twenty small gift boxes in it.
Even though I had seen this in several movies my heart was beating two hundred times faster than usual due to happiness. I opened the last box and I saw a key chain in it. Ria was smiling cutely and gave me a key. She closed my eyes and took me out of my house. It was a Royal Enfield bike. My dream bike. I took her to the park where we met for the first time. During that time, there was no one else there. It gave off a perfect vibe of romance. I touched her waist and pulled her near me. Suddenly, a doubt struck my mind.
I asked her,"How did you bring the bike to my home?" (Ria doesn't know to drive gear bikes).
The phone rang. It was Ria. Yes, all that had happened was only a dream. I woke up and attended the call.
It was Ria's mom and she said,"Ria has forgotten her mobile here and so ask her not to search it any where else." I was shocked to hear this. I don't have any idea how to reply her.
I said, "She hasn't come here yet."
And I asked few questions about how she was planning to come to my home. She replied me with same shock as I had. I suddenly took my bike key and jumped off from my bed. And rushed to open the door. When I opened the door I was shocked to see a letter. I opened the letter. Suddenly, Ria and her brother came before me. The letter was a love letter. Ah! Ria got me with her mimicry. She spoke with me in her mother's voice. Her brother greeted me and he went back. I took Ria inside my house. I lifted her up. Kissed her chubby chin and I gone close to her lips. Suddenly my phone rang it was Ria's mom for serious. She wished me and asked to drop Ria at office before 8 am. After I ended up my conversation, we started our romance back. I was working in a magazine publishing company. I was one of the assistant editor of short stories. I decided to write a short story and publish it. I wrote a short story based on crime. It took me several nights to write it. I gave that to the chief editor of our company.
He said, "You are amazing. You just nailed it. I will publish this story by next week in our magazine."
I was on cloud nine.I called my girl friend and said,"My short story is going to get published in the magazine."
And I reminded her promise which she gave on my birthday. She called me for a treat. We enjoyed the whole day and finally at 11 pm we went to pa
rk were we first met each other. We were reminded of those beautiful days. Fortunately, the park became all the more special for me (I hope you all would understand the reason). I dropped her back.
It was 20th May morning 2 am (upto 2am I was speaking with Ria). By 5 am, the book which contained my short story was going to get published. The three hours seemed like a year to me. My thinking had gone to a different world. I thought I could relieve my girlfriend from her stressful job. Thinking about all these things, I slept unknowingly. It was 5.30am and I got a call from my girlfriend. She started shouting at me.
She said, "You are a cheater. You are a liar. And your so cheap."
She started to cry and cut the call. I was puzzled. I rushed up to a shop and bought the magazine. I was shocked to see that my story was not present in that magazine. I got tempered a lot. Then I rushed to Chief editor's home. I shouted at him for cheating me.
He replied, "You got a different deal from our boss."
It seems that my boss (Mr.Johen) needed this story to be published under his son's name as author. He was ready to give me promotion in my job along with two lakh rupees. I accepted the deal. I took that amount to Ria's home and told her about the matter.
She slapped me and said do not do This.
Ria's mom tried to convince her but all that resulted in vein.
So I decided to give back that money and get my short story back. But my boss denied to accept it. I got tempered and shouted at him.
He just laughed at me said,"You will pay for it."
The next day morning 4am, I got a call from an unknown number. I attended the call. It was Ria shouting to save her. Then my boss spoke with me.
He said, "I hope it would be correct time for you to pay."
He asked me to come to his home. I rushed up their. I said, "I won't come in your life once again. Please leave her. She is innocent. If you want to punish some one, punish me and not her."
Hearing this Johen said,"Seems to be a good deal. Run off from this area."
Me and Ria along with her mom left that area. We settled in another state of our country. I started my new life there. I thought to become rich to take revenge on him. Ria knew to dance well. She took dance class for many students over there. She become popular soon. She earned a lot. With that money, I published my book which too become popular. We became the richest family of that state. We filed case against Johen and his son. We were not scared of him now. They were arrested. Me and Ria used the money(which we earned) to improve women's safety and to ensure safety for all workers by forming an organization named 'Ria sister is there for you.'